Prof. Dr. Dejan Prelević
Principal investigator
Dr. Dejan Prelević is Professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology. Dr. Prelević is an internationally recognized Serbian researcher who has consolidated his scientific career abroad, filling several different academic and research positions since 2000, mostly in Germany. In 2016, Prof. Dejan Prelević obtained a professor position in Geochemistry at the UB-FMG, after coming back from fifteen years of postdocs and tenure-track lecture- and professorships at German Universities. By his Europe-wide recognized scientific portfolio, he has already brought significant research excellence to Geosciences in Serbia. Prof. Prelević has an excellent understanding of the work required for this project, including previous work on (i) the specific samples targeted in this proposal (ii) magmatic and metamorphic events timescales, and (iii) important stages throughout the development of the Tethyan realm.

Dr. Ana Mladenović
WP – Tectonics and Structural Geology
Dr. Ana Mladenović has PhD in Geology, and her main research interest focuses on tectonics and structural geology of the Dinarides. Her previous research was primarily focused on the Cenozoic tectonics of the Internal Dinarides (the proposed research area in this proposal), especially on the relation between tectonic and magmatic processes in the area of Kopaonik Mts. During her PhD project, she gained the necessary skills in structural-geological methods including microtectonics, which is of high importance for the proposed project. She possesses substantial knowledge of (geological) GIS- database modelling. Her expertise is also in the pre-processing and processing of aerial and satellite images.

Prof. Dr. Vladica Cvetković
WP – Geodynamics
Dr. Vladica Cvetković is Professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology and Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is head of the Laboratory for Scanning Electron Microscopy and has been directly involved in establishing of the Laboratory for Fluid Inclusion Studies at the UB-FMG. His expertise in geodynamics and regional and structural geology, tectonics and ore deposits formation strongly match with the project’s objectives that will have a synergetic effect in collaboration with other members of the team.

Prof. Dr. Violeta Gajić
WP – Sedimentology
Dr. Violeta Gajić is Professor of sedimentology at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology and she is one of the key members of the team, with an extensive expertise in sedimentology and biostratigraphy.
PhD students
Nikola Stanković
Kristijan Sokol
Prof. Rolf Romer, GFZ Potsdam, Germany (Sr, Nd, Pb isotopes)
Dr. Regina Mertz-Kraus, University of Mainz, Germany (LA-ICP-MS laboratory)
Prof. Mark Peternell, University of Gothenburg Sweden (EBSD, fabric analyzer, microtectonics)
Prof. Thomas Zack, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (in situ Rb-Sr geochronology)
Prof. Taras Gerya, ETH, Switzerland (geodynamic numerical modelling)
Nikola Stanković
Kristijan Sokol
Prof. Rolf Romer, GFZ Potsdam, Germany (Sr, Nd, Pb isotopes)
Dr. Regina Mertz-Kraus, University of Mainz, Germany (LA-ICP-MS laboratory)
Prof. Mark Peternell, University of Gothenburg Sweden (EBSD, fabric analyzer, microtectonics)
Prof. Thomas Zack, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (in situ Rb-Sr geochronology)
Prof. Taras Gerya, ETH, Switzerland (geodynamic numerical modelling)